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About Us

                Cleaning Management Services

Serving to the Highest Expectations!!!


At a young age my mother and father showed me that a place isn't really clean unless it's detailed. Detailed in terms of how it's cleaned, when it's cleaned and the order in which a particular area is cleaned. Detailing requires quality cleaning. I started my first professional cleaning job at the age of eighteen. I have been cleaning for over 25 years.


Throughout my line of work I have done various types of cleaning. Aside from commercial and residential cleaning, I've done demolition cleanups, construction cleanups, daycare's, churches, restaurants, paint cleanups, factories, warehouses, car dealerships, RV dealerships, 5 star hotels, manufacturing companies, hospitals, fitness gyms and more. Because of my many different focuses in cleaning, I have the experience and skills that have made me an expert in other areas as well; such as carpet cleaning, stripping and waxing floors, cleaning wooden floors, ceramic floors and marble floors. My skill sets have allowed me to also specialize in management and inspector training's. I have trained people on how to properly use floor equipment and machines. I have a keen and specific eye for detailing. I train people to do detail work to the highest expectation!




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